Disaster and destruction have never been strangers to organizations but lately seem more visible than ever. A client asked what role an employee survey might play after trauma roils a workplace. Employee surveys can help detect the level of mental and emotional disruption people are feeling, determine how formal or informal interpersonal communications have been affected, and gauge the presence of the energy to begin again. A short questionnaire is appropriate and it should avoid a "business as usual" tone.
We offer some sample questionnaire statements below that lend themselves to such a survey, though this list is hardly exhaustive. They use a 5-point agreement scale. (We recommend 1 = Completely Disagree, 5 = Completely Agree).
Twenty Survey Items for Overcoming Adverse Events
Copyright ©2005 Performance Programs, Inc.
Note: As always, be prepared to provide survey results to all survey respondents. Use questionnaire items that can lead to positive action.
1. I have had trouble recently concentrating on my work.
2. Our organization has made its best effort to provide adequate resources for coping with events.
3. Our organization has listened adequately to the needs of our employees.
4. Our organization has communicated its response adequately to employees.
5. We are maintaining appropriate focus on our long term goals.
6. The right people are in charge of handling our current challenges.
7. I have the ability to take positive action under current circumstances.
8. I am willing to make temporary changes as needed to accomplish my work objectives.
9. I know what procedures to follow in the event of a serious emergency.
10. I believe my work environment is reasonably safe.
11. Associates are empowered to identify safety issues and correct them where necessary.
12. Concerns I express are valued and taken seriously.
13. My co-workers are helpful and supportive.
14. When changes take place, I receive the information I need.
15. The climate for change is very positive and supportive in this organization.
16. This organization is capable of addressing current challenges successfully.
17. This organization can face the business challenges of the future.
18. I am satisfied with the balance between my work and personal life.
19. Overall, I am committed to working for this organization at the present time.
20. I am committed to helping this organization succeed.
A number of these items are part of our long term study of employee survey norms. If you are interested in receiving help with this or other short, focused surveys for the workplace, call Paul or Sonya at 1-800-565-4223.