Have you ever wanted to say, "Enough already!" to the proponents of the motivation industry? Are you sick of those self-important experts who tell you to reach for the syrup just when you'd rather tar and feather someone? You are not alone.
We recently got a 31-page catalog from Despair, Inc., a glossy affair of a quality that would make Brookstone or Williams-Sonoma proud while simultaneously bringing an evil smile to any Scrooge's face. The front cover shows a glossy poster with a sinking ship and a tag line that says: “Mistakes: It could be the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others.” And the introduction?
“Motivational Products Don’t Work. But Our Demotivational Products Don’t Work Even Better.”
What gives? We tried to contact Despair.com, but a surly notice on their Web site informed us that they would not be replying to our insipid inquiry. Is this a new spin on workplace humor? Or is it CEO psychologist E.L. Kersten, Ph.D. finally letting his industry “have it”? Check it out. The laughs are worth their weight in clicks.