December 18, 2006 Antidote to Motivation Sickness

by Kathleen Groll Connolly

Have you ever wanted to say, "Enough already!" to the proponents of the motivation industry? Are you sick of those self-important experts who tell you to reach for the syrup just when you'd rather tar and feather someone? You are not alone.

We recently got a 31-page catalog from Despair, Inc., a glossy affair of a quality that would make Brookstone or Williams-Sonoma proud while simultaneously bringing an evil smile to any Scrooge's face. The front cover shows a glossy poster with a sinking ship and a tag line that says: “Mistakes: It could be the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others.” And the introduction?

“Motivational Products Don’t Work. But Our Demotivational Products Don’t Work Even Better.”

What gives? We tried to contact, but a surly notice on their Web site informed us that they would not be replying to our insipid inquiry. Is this a new spin on workplace humor? Or is it CEO psychologist E.L. Kersten, Ph.D. finally letting his industry “have it”? Check it out. The laughs are worth their weight in clicks.