Measure Your "Globe-Ability"
The Global Assessment Inventory (GAI) measures ten attributes crucial for successful adaptation to multiple cultures, particularly in your work environment. GAI is now available online from Performance Programs. The price is normally $55 per individual, but the 17-page report is currently free of charge while we continue our norm study. Global Assessment Inventory reports on the following attributes:
- Change Tolerance : Willingness to meet challenges and cope with change.
- Initiative: Ability to take charge of new or challenging situations.
- Respect for Beliefs: Receptiveness to new ideas and other political or religious beliefs.
- Patience: The extent to which you believe you have influence over your life events.
- Risk Taking: Willingness to try new approaches and ways of doing things.
- Sociability: Extent to which you enjoy being with other people.
- Openness: Willingness to let others know you.
- Global Sensitivity: Clarity of the job tasks.
- Travel Flexibility
- Travel Expectations
The GAI is especially good at measuring the attributes necessary for work that involves international business travel. Visit the Performance Programs shopping cart and complete the check out process. No charges will occur. All data is confidential. No individual's responses will be identified in the norms. GAI is proprietary and created by Prudential Relocation's Intercultural Group; Performance Programs is a research partner and distributor.
GAI is based on the Overseas Assignment Inventory (OAI), a 30-year-old measurement from Prudential Relocation's Intercultural Group. The OAI is an online assessment designed for expatriate candidates that measures nine attributes and six context factors crucial for successful adaptation to living fulltime and working in another culture. It is provided for both the expatriate job candidate and his or her spouse or partner. PPI establishes local norms and conducts ongoing validation studies of the OAI. OAI is proprietary and created by Prudential Relocation's Intercultural Group.