The caller on the other end of the line was a long time acquaintance from the HR field. "How do I know if I’m hiring a safety-conscious trucker?” he asked. "Are there any tools out there help predict safety?"
Two things struck me about the call.
First, he was in luck--I was able to offer him a new personality-based safety report from Hogan Assessments that addresses this question.
But second, I noted that I’ve been asked the prediction question in recent months more than at any time in our 20+ years in the human resources assessment business. "How can I tell if the person really has leadership potential?” is a common variation. We also get questions such as these:
"How can I predict if she's going to boil over under stress?"
"How do I predict if he's suited to working in a team environment?"
"How do I know if she's too competitive? (or not competitive enough?)"
I am the last person to claim there is any air-tight method of answering these and the thousands of other selection questions we all face. I am impressed, however, by the results our customers are getting from personality-based evaluations by Hogan Assessments’ research instruments.
You'll probably want to know about the The Hogan Safety Report. This new report determines a job candidate's work style and overall safety orientation, helping employers assure a high-quality, safety-conscious workforce. The report has three sections:
Section I defines the dimensions of safety-related behaviors.
Section II provides a graphic report of the candidate’s assessment results.
Section III summarizes the candidate’s results and our recommendation regarding potential hiring.
Happy to talk with you about how this report can fit into your selection process.